INCREDIBLE DISCOVERY from scientists: The elixir of youth has been found – ARMY.AZ

INCREDIBLE DISCOVERY from scientists: The elixir of youth has been found – ARMY.AZ
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Scientists at the University of the Philippines in Manila have found a way to turn waste from tapuy rice wine production into a source of antioxidants and anti-aging compounds. reports that the results of the study were published in the scientific journal “Discover Food”.

They found that proteins produced using the improved starter contained high levels of polyphenols, compounds known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.


Experiments have shown that tapun sediment extracts have high antioxidant properties.

The lifespan, mobility, and reproductive health of experimental animals given the extract improved. In addition, levels of superoxide dismutase (an enzyme that protects cells from aging) increased significantly.

The results show that tapuya sediment can be transformed into a functional food product and combat age-related changes and diseases associated with oxidative stress.

Ana Sayfa