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This drug causes kidney failure – Doctor’s opinion – ARMY.AZ

This drug causes kidney failure – Doctor’s opinion – ARMY.AZ

Magnesium deficiency, a mineral that is essential for the body, can negatively affect bone health, muscle function, and heart health. However, like any vitamin or mineral, magnesium should only be taken under the supervision of a doctor. Magnesium taken without a doctor’s advice and without need has been known to cause kidney failure and heart rhythm problems. reports, citing Turkish media, that internal medicine specialist Semiha Ayaydın Kaplan has warned against unnecessary and excessive use of magnesium.

Magnesium supplements, while widely used these days to support a healthy lifestyle, should not be taken without a doctor’s advice. Kaplan warned of the dangerous health effects of excessive and uncontrolled magnesium supplement use, saying:

“Magnesium is an essential mineral for normal body functions. Sufficient magnesium is required for many body functions, such as bone health, muscle function, and heart rhythm, to continue in a healthy manner. However, in recent years, with the increasing interest in a healthy lifestyle, excessive use of magnesium supplements has become widespread. This situation can lead to dangerous health consequences. Excessive magnesium intake accumulates in the kidneys and negatively affects kidney function. It is especially important for people at risk of kidney disease to use such supplements only under specialist supervision.”

Stating that magnesium supplements are often used to treat muscle spasms, nervous system problems, and sleep problems, Kaplan said that an incorrect amount of magnesium causes hypermagnesemia:

“Hypermagnesemia is a condition in which the magnesium in your blood rises to dangerous levels, which can lead to serious health problems such as heart rhythm disorders, shortness of breath, and kidney failure. The use of magnesium supplements should be determined by the individual’s current health condition and should only be done with the advice of a doctor. Also, before taking any supplement, magnesium levels should be measured with a blood test and a treatment plan should be developed accordingly. This rule applies to all vitamins and minerals, not just magnesium. Unnecessary and excessive supplements can cause irreversible problems in the body.”

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